Here’s the stat block for a C5 Warrior Wizard gish “leader”.
I do not do loot.
This is a modified form of the Silver Branch Magician Sergeant.
Broadly speaking they follow this action flow:
Round #1: Tactics, Mind Dagger.
Round #2-N:
1) Weave thread, Mind Dagger.
2) Broadsword x2.
Broadsword x2 is more effective. If the party is threatening their life, step it up. Waterfall slam the casters. Tactics focus down the squishiest targets.
If they do not, they value their life. This is not a suicidal soldier. This is a combat veteran.

Adept Warrior Wizard Lieutenant
Insert lore blurb here later. I’m just putting this here in case it’s required by roll20’s import feature.
Challenge: Journeyman (Fifth Circle)
DEX: 7 Init: 8 Uncon: 51
STR: 6 PhyDef: 10 Death: 63
TOU: 7 MysDef: 11 Wound: 10
PER: 7 SocDef: 9 Knockdown: 10
WIL: 6 PhyArm: 9 Recovery: 2
CHA: 6 MysArm: 4 Karma: 4 (8)
Movement: 12
Actions: 2; Broadsword: 14 (14), Mind Dagger (20): 14 (11)
Mage Armor (11): This power can be dispelled with a Dispel Magic (11) test. If successful, the Silver Branch magician sergeant suffers -3 to Physical Armor.
Awareness (11): As the talent, Player’s Guide, p. 130.
Mind Dagger: Targets Mystical Defense and the target suffers -2 to their Physical Defense until the end of the next round.
Fearless (5): The Silver Branch magician sergeant gains +5 to their Defenses against fear-based effects.
Tactics (11): As the talent, Player’s Guide, p. 172.
Size Up (10): As the Swordmaster ability, Player’s Guide, p. 107. Use this as a secret GM roll to determine knowledge of defenses. This does not cost strain.
Special Maneuvers:
Waterfall Slam (Silver Branch Magician Sergeant, Close Combat): The Silver Branch magician sergeant may spend an additional success on an Attack test to force the target to make a Knockdown test against a Difficulty Number equal to the Attack test result.

They should know the following spells:
Astral Targeting and Astral Sense.
If the combat is meant to be difficult, they pre-cast Astral Targeting. If not, they don’t.
Astral Sense should always be up.
This is the lower end version. At the bottom of C5. Here’s the higher end version:
This is not a “full” jump in power level. Just a slight bump overall.

Adept Warrior Wizard sergeant
Insert lore blurb here later. I’m just putting this here in case it’s required by roll20’s import feature.
Challenge: Journeyman (Fifth Circle)
DEX: 7 Init: 8 Uncon: 54
STR: 6 PhyDef: 11 Death: 67
TOU: 7 MysDef: 12 Wound: 10
PER: 7 SocDef: 10 Knockdown: 11
WIL: 6 PhyArm: 10 Recovery: 2
CHA: 6 MysArm: 5 Karma: 4 (8)
Movement: 12
Actions: 2; Broadsword: 14 (14), Mind Dagger: 14 (11)
Mage Armor (11): This power can be dispelled with a Dispel Magic (11) test. If successful, the Adept Warrior Wizard sergeant suffers -3 to Physical Armor.
Awareness (11): As the talent, Player’s Guide, p. 130.
Mind Dagger: Targets Mystical Defense and the target suffers -2 to their Physical Defense until the end of the next round.
Fearless (5): The Adept Warrior Wizard sergeant gains +5 to their Defenses against fear-based effects.
Tactics (12): As the talent, Player’s Guide, p. 172.
Special Maneuvers:
Waterfall Slam (Silver Branch Magician Sergeant, Close Combat): The Adept Warrior Wizard sergeant may spend an additional success on an Attack test to force the target to make a Knockdown test against a Difficulty Number equal to the Attack test result.

They should know the following spells: Astral Targeting and Astral Sense.
If the combat is meant to be difficult, they pre-cast Astral Targeting. If not, they don’t.
Astral Sense should always be up.