So this monster is one that will abuse the Fury mechanic in a strange way. It is designed to get slaughtered by characters who deal lots of damage at once. This is also optimized to deal with min-maxed characters. If dealing with characters not designed for combat or shenanigans, consider this a tenth circle creature.

Troll Berserker
Insert lore blurb here.
Challenge: Warden (Ninth Circle)
DEX: 9 Initiative: 8 Unconsciousness: 190
STR: 11 Physical Defense: 13 Death Rating: 190
TOU: 12 Mystic Defense: 21 Wound Threshold: 1
PER: 8 Social Defense: 18 Knockdown: 14
WIL: 9 Physical Armor: 10 Recovery Tests: 8
CHA: 6 Mystic Armor: 14 Karma: 4 (12)
Movement: 14
Actions: 3; Two-handed axe: 21 (24)

Frenzy: If the Troll Berserker has 4 wounds, they gain an additional action, can use the Rally maneuver, and the Great Leap talent. If the Troll Berserker has 8 wounds, they lose all control and must only target the last person who dealt a wound to them. They gain 2 yards of movement rate per wound while benefitting from Fury. They are immediately killed once they no longer benefit from Fury after receiving 8 wounds or three rounds have passed.
Fury (10)
Charge (10)
Rally (23): As the talent, pg. 64 Comp. Rally may not be used by default. They may spend a karma on recovery tests made through other characters’ rallies.
Great Leap (17): As the talent, pg. 151. Great Leap may not be used by default. Optionally, Great Leap as the monster power equal to their movement.
Iron Constitution (20): As the talent, pg. 154.
Lion Heart (16): As the talent, pg. 157.
Heartening Laugh (16): As the talent, pg. 152.

Special Maneuvers:
Rally (Berserker, Close Combat): The Troll Berserker may spend two additional successes on an Attack test to use the Rally talent as a free action. This maneuver may only be used once per target per round.
Heartening Laugh (Berserker, Close Combat): The Troll Berserker may spend two additional successes on an Attack test to use the Heartening Laugh talent as a free action.
Provoke (Opponent): Using this maneuver causes the Troll Berserker to target that person with as many attacks as possible. If they cannot reach them this round they may use two attacks against a different target, but with a -6 to the attack test.
Manipulate (Opponent): Using this maneuver causes the Troll Berserker to lose 3 yards of movement until the end of the next round. You may use this maneuver any number of times per round.