Male Spider Bear
The Spider Bear was created in a freak accident. A nethermancer, under the direction of The Praetorian, was tasked with designing a monster capable of both stealth, ambushing, and freak strength. The Bear Spider was born - a Bear that hatched out of a Spider’s egg after significant modification to its Pattern. The Spider Bear got the posion and venom of a spider with the strength of a bear, but lost some of the quickness a Bear is typically known for. The male Spider Bear is weaker and smaller than the female. To counteract this, 9 out of every 10 Spider Bears born from eggs are male. The tenth bear, once grown, must leave. They produce an extremely fireproof durable silk. When the silk is exposed to flames or any energy source, it consumes the energy and expands towards it. This means they absorb all light, sound, and heat. Water, or any sufficiently high heat capacity material, quickly dissolves the webs as it overwhelms the ability to absorb energy. It is not known what they subsist on, given they live and reproduce in caves and rarely venture out. It is theorized they feed on Astral Energies and live in caves with a weaker barrier between the Physical and Astral.
Challenge: Journeyman (Sixth circle)
DEX: 8 Initiative: 13 Unconsciousness: 73
STR: 12 Physical Defense: 15 Death Rating: 88
TOU: 11 Mystic Defense: 10 Wound Threshold: 11
PER: 5 Social Defense: 9 Knockdown: 16
WIL: 6 Physical Armor: 8 Recovery Tests: 2
CHA: 4 Mystic Armor: 4
Movement: 12
Actions: 2; Bite: 18 (14), Claws x2: 15 (19)
Creature Power (15, Spit Venom, Standard)
Poison (12): If the Spider Bear’s bite causes damage, the victim must resist the effects of a paralytic posion. The poison is step 12 [Onset: instant, Interval: 4/1 round, Duration: 5 rounds].
Battle Shout (14): As the skill, Player’s Guide, p. 131.
Stealthy Stride (16): As the skill, Player’s Guide, p. 170.
Spit Venom (13): The spider can spit venom at a target within 10 yards. It makes a Creature Power test against the target’s Mystic Defense. If successful, the target takes Step 13 Damage, reduced by Mystic Armor.
Speed (4): The Spider Bear can take 3 strain to increase its movement rate by 4 until the end of the round. While using this ability the Spider Bear can move along walls and ceilings as if they were the ground. If the Spider Bear ends their turn on a wall or ceiling after using this ability, they do not fall.
Webs (16): Bear Spider webs are extremely strong but not well hidden. Noticing a web requires a successful Perception or Awareness (5) test. The Spider Bear’s Webs require a Strength Test of 16 to escape. If the character was carrying a small (Size 1 or 2) bladed weapon at the time they were trapped, they may add the weapon’s Damage Step as a bonus to the Strength test. If the adept was carring a waterskin containing liquids, they may use half the contents of it to add 20 as a bonus to the Strength test.
Fury (2)
Willful (1)
Combat Options:
Grab and Bite (Spider Bear, Claws)
Pry Loose (Opponent, Close Combat)
Provoke (Opponent, Close Combat)
Bear’s Might (Spider Bear, Bite, Claws) The Bear Spider may spend additional successes on a close combat Attack test to throw the opponent 2 yards per success. Treat this distance as falling.