Hitting Player Physical Armor

This is a “simple” table with the stated goal of not getting hit by monsters. These are not all achievable. This is fine. You are meant to be hit. This is just to show you, on average, what PD you should have. I have looked at the Average Step’s effect in Anydice, ignored explosions, and gone 1 standard deviation above the average. I rounded to the nearest number, not always up. This means you will be hit by approximately 15% of attacks. This does not include Karma.
Remember: These are not supposed to be achievable at all stages. This is to be effectively unkillable, not an average character.

Circle PD Goal To-Hit PD Low To-Hit PD Avg To-Hit PD High
Circle 1 12 8 10 11
Circle 2 14 10 11 12
Circle 3 15 10 12 13
Circle 4 15 11 12 14
Circle 5 20 13 15 17
Circle 6 20 13 15 17
Circle 7 21 14 16 18
Circle 8 24 17 19 20

This table includes Karma, so an effective +4 to hit. Reminder, this ignores explosions. So it’s not wholly accurate. But it’s a “broad” idea.

Circle PD Goal To-Hit PD Low To-Hit PD Avg To-Hit PD High
Circle 1 16 8 10 11
Circle 2 18 10 11 12
Circle 3 19 10 12 13
Circle 4 19 11 12 14
Circle 5 24 13 15 17
Circle 6 24 13 15 17
Circle 7 25 14 16 18
Circle 8 28 17 19 20